Monday 24 March 2014

Affiliate Success

Did you know that 90% of people trying to make money on line never succeed, have you ever wondered why, well one of the main reasons is that they do not take it seriously when you try and make money on line you have to dedicate yourself to it and treat it the same as any business because that is exactly what it is. There are no quick fixes no silver bullets just work and tears, the same as any business and as with any business it takes time to build and that's once you have your website up and running, you have to have an attractive and informative site that you can drive customers to and get them to covert to paying customers. Then you have to drive the right traffic to your website. It's not all about money either you have to give them something of value to make them give you their email address, so that you can build a list so that in the future you can offer products of value.

Saturday 8 March 2014

How to write a press release that gets read

Did you know that a press release could take your business forward in a big way no matter what you sell. Most marketers think that press releases do not work, but if done right then this could make you successful.

Most marketers do not know where to start when it comes to a press release that gets results, and yes press releases do work if you go about it in the right way, first of all you have to think like an editor that is looking for news, something that benefits the readers of his magazine, and not your ad.

Never tell about how good you think your products are, you are the only one that is interested in this.
The readers are looking at what you can do for them, looking for the benefit. If you help them they will help you..

The media is not in the business of promoting your products and services, they are looking for solutions to their readers problems, so for free publicity you need to help solve those problems, you have to show that you can help them with their problems and needs.

You might have the perfect solution to your target markets problems, but you still will not get any where if your message is not read. The first thing is your headline and that is the most essential part of your message without a good headline your message is a none starter, you see editors are very busy people and unless you catch their attention right away then your message will end in the bin.

Setting Your Company Apart Form The Competition

You need a unique selling position or USP or what makes you different from your competitors, and makes your product unique, look for a strong benefit an example is. Out Of Work Plumber Shows How To Make $5,000 a month starting from zero, if you can make this claim and back it up then you are in a very good position because the press just loves to knock holes in a claim like that. The coverage you can get from this can be very rewarding.

Another way is if you can find out exactly what your customers want, to find the right headline/ USP, give away a information pack or product and get their feed back, this way you should be able to determine your headline and improve your product on the feed back you receive. You will then be able to create a powerful headline and deliver exactly what is wanted.

The Layout

In the top left hand corner write the words “ For immediate release” unless you want to release it later such as around Christmas time, then you put “ For Release Before Christmas”or whatever phrase for the time you want it released.
In the upper right hand corner of the press release place “ Contact: Your Name”., then the rest of your contact information address, name of company. Phone number website etc. Always make sure you are contactable never make them wait otherwise you will miss out and that's a certainty.

Then skip a couple of lines and write your headline, remember your benefit and use that up front.
Catch the editors eye with your headline and he in all likelihood he will not even bother with reading the rest. The headline is 95% of the release.

The Summery

After the headline there are three sections, the first being the summery. In a few sentences you should explain your entire release. The headline and the first section should be enough to give anyone the whole idea of your release. This is where you give the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How, this determines that you have something worth reporting.

The Body

This is a continuation of the summery, give more detail of the purpose of the release, one thought one paragraph, no hype and use simple sentences.

Credentials and Quotation

This is where you place the power to back up what you have written example Jack Brown of The greatest Hits says that any one can benefit from these techniques or you could get someone who is big in your industry give his opinion.

How to Close

Don't sell any thing just yourself, the whole purpose of a press release is to get the attention of the editor and the readers, create interest by being a tease.

Then, in the center of the page at the bottom include this symbol ## this means the end.xxxxxx

Friday 7 March 2014

Using Hooks In Your Marketing

If you could make a fortune and I could show you How to do it within 48hrs do you think that you would be interested, I do think that you just might be. Your end result is to make money on line so if it was certain that you could do it in 48hrs you would be right there.

The word How is the word that got your attention How to do it within 48hrs. The words How to triggers something in your subconscious that you can not resist and makes you pay attention, we are as marketers always looking for the How to, to solve our problems and we just can not resist taking notice.

If you would like to try the words out then go up to a friend and say “ I'll show you How to do this”
and watch their reaction, even though it might not be the reaction that you expect you will get a reaction.

The real power is when you use the word in combination with another trigger word, the other powerful word is You, used in advertising this can be a killer combination “How You” now that's a magnet to anyone.

We all know that we only have a very short period in which to attract peoples attention and so trigger words are very important if we want to attract customers to our avert or web page content, as customers scan through our page you must include trigger words and phrases that attract their attention and want to make them carry on reading.
The headline is the most important part so having trigger words in that is most important, we only have a short time to make them want to read on, it is only then that you get the opportunity to drive home your message and get them to click on your link.

We have all heard a bought the hook or the perfect bait to attract the customer and you need that to draw them in it is the building block that your whole message relies on the (How) and the (You) that makes it personal as soon as you use the You word, it's very powerful and above all it works.

Here are some combinations that drew my attention and I bet that they will catch your attention

1/ How to succeed Multi-Millionaire's 10steps to success
2/ How to make $1000 a week
3/ How to use this proven program to make $1000.000
4/ How you can do this to build you business
5/ Discover How you can do this

You can bet that whoever placed those ads got plenty of hits to his/her website, and marketing of all descriptions no matter what you are selling require powerful words to make people take action.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Building a Successful Business

I found this video that might be of interest by a guy called Justin Chase

Get more information a bought starting your own business with little outlay CLICK HERE

Wednesday 19 February 2014

The Joys Of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money on line, the great thing a bought it is that you need no experience, you need hold no stock, you only need a computer to get started and the outlay is minimal the risks are few, there are no long term contracts to tie you down, if one product fails you just move on to another, programs are nearly always free to join.
All you have to do is to promote the product, the owner of the product gives you all the tools you need to make a success.

But beware affiliate marketing is not as easy as it might seem, bringing customers to the table and getting them to take out their wallets are two different things, but having said that if you do treat it as a business and not just as a past time, then success is bound to come, but like any business it will take time to build, sometimes you will feel as though nothing that you do is going right you will seem to work endlessly with no results, I tell you this because we all feel this at times, but once you have mastered the right formula you will sit back and wonder why you thought it all so difficult.

But you can reduce the time spent working things out by getting the right tuition, if you go here this guy has been voted the to affiliate marketer of the year, get your free report and make up your own mind: FREE REPORT HERE!!!
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Customer relations

Traffic is what most marketers have most trouble with, once you have a website up and running getting customers to your door is not easy, ok you may get them there but getting them to buy is another problem, even if you give away freebies such as reports and ebooks do they think that there is some kind of catch thinking that maybe if they sign up for a freebie that some how this commits them to a purchase, when in fact in most cases most marketers want to help that customer because once he or she signs up to your list it becomes your responsibility to look after that customer and not to keep bombarding him or her with products for sale instead send things that might be of interest to them and make your sales secondary.

Having a friendly relationship with that customer is much more beneficial to both parties, and will in fact help massively with your sales, and you will also have a customer for life  

Thursday 6 February 2014

List Swop For Traffic

We have all heard it before, get a list you can not have a business without a list, well how true is this do you really need a list the answer is yes you do need a list if you want a profitable business that is something that you have to work to wards. 

How do you go abought getting a workable list a list that you can sell to, getting people to sign up takes time, you have to make it attractive so that they will give you their email addresses usually by giving them a free gift such as a free report, then you advertise and advertise it matters not how you do it as long as it works for you, I have found that you only need around three or four types of advertising but no matter what sellers of traffic tell you it all takes time and will not happen over night, and the good news is you need not pay for traffic you can get all the traffic you need by free means, such as forums, facebook, free small ads and if you feel the need free surf programs but in this article I want to describe another way of getting sign up's which will drive traffic at a high rate toward your website and this is a list swap.

 I know what you are thinking how can I swap a list when I have not got one, I put my hands up yes you do have to have a bought 500 on your list before you can swap successfully, but if done right once you have that many sign ups on your list and you do a list swap with a business that sells similar items or programs to yours it can send your earnings into orbit. 

 The first thing to do is to find someone in your own niche, sign up to their list and find out if you are happy with what they are doing, give it a few weeks to be certain,if it is similar to what you are doing and you are happy with the way that the owner is running his business then contact him, you usually find that he will be receptive to your approach as long as your product is in a similar niche. Promote something that is free and that can be useful to the list, this is the way to get sign up's and encourage people to buy your products.

 But first and foremost you must be respectful to your list your business relies on your list, if you have any doubts a bought the person you are doing the swap with do not go ahead remember it has taken a lot of work and time to get your sign up's, so look after your list. 

 You might think that this list swap is not for me I do not want to jepodize my list by swapping it with someone else well that's fine, I am just showing one way to get more traffic with just a little work.

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Friday 31 January 2014

Working On Line

Did you know that 90% of people trying to make money on line never succeed, have you ever wondered why, well one of the main reasons is that they do not take it seriously when you try and make money on line you have to dedicate yourself to it and treat it the same as any business because that is exactly what it is. There are no quick fixes no silver bullets just work and tears, the same as any business and as with any business it takes time to build and that's once you have your website up and running, you have to have an attractive and informative site that you can drive customers to and get them to covert to paying customers.

Then you have to drive the right traffic to your website. It's not all abought money either you have to give them something of value to make them give you their email address, so that you can build a list so that in the future you can offer products of value. So do you still feel that marketing on the internet is for you, if so you can get all the tuition you require by

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Text Message Marketing

Text message marketing is new it is a simple and effective way to communicate with your customers and get new customers it is a effective way to contact your customers

Sunday 26 January 2014

Forum Marketing or Getting Sign Up's From Forums!

To achieve any kind of success on line you must have a list, and all your advertising must be geared to this end, without a list you will never make money on line, as your list grows you will find that it is the most valuable tool to any on line marketing. Once you start your list you must treat it with the up most respect and nurture it, because you will be able to market to that list year after year, but that doesn't mean that you should abuse the trust that your subscribers have put in you by giving their e-mail addresses, the secret is to build a relationship with your list and not to keep pushing products that are clearly not wanted, as time goes by you will find out the sort of products that they are looking for to enhance their business. One way of doing this is to keep in touch with the forums on your particular niche.

Forums are a great source of information for any niche, you can find out what peoples concerns are and what their need might be, and on forums you can also build a relationship with the right people
the people within your niche. So needles to say this is a good place to get traffic to your website, you can maybe answer questions that people are concerned about, and put your own questions there for answers, forums can be fun as well as a good way to get aspiring sign up's if you get involved you will be surprised how well you can do.

There should be on every forum a place to put a signature, when writing your signature make sure that it stands out make it as bold as possible. On some forums you might find that you can not place a signature until you have participated for a while, but if you abide by the rules you should have no trouble. The thing with forums is that you are communicating with a captive audience so you do not have to work hard to convince any one. When you first join a forum make sure that you introduce yourself, do not go straight in and subscribe, another good tip is always try and over-deliver if you are answering a question give all the details and add more if you can, use similes and evoke curiosity
people like that sort of thing. But above all be positive never never be negative, you will find negative people on there always ignore them never get involved let them take their anger out on someone else.

So to conclude forums can get you traffic if you stick to the rules and they can also be fun.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Using Newsletters To Get Traffic

From the desk of Ian Read Writing newsletters might seam a lot of work but the results can be dramatic, writing a short report once a week can reap benefits, I know that it will take time to produce a news letter but what it gives is leverage it might take a day or may be two to complete say ten pages it is a very powerful thing to do because not many people do it, and once completed you have it for good Give the news letter a exciting name one that will make prospective sign up's open the letter, news letters can go viral if written well they can be passed between perspective customers either by email or social sites like facebook and twitter, if you put a opt in box on the bottom of the page to get people to opt in then you can see what that will do for sign up's. It might seem daunting if you have not written any thing like this before do not worry, where do I get my my content from? I can here you say how do I know what to write. Well I don't know about you but I find it difficult to retain information, so what do I do, as I am finding out things about my particular niche I tend to write it all down either in a pad or on sticky notes, and before you know it you have got enough information to write a news letter, there are forums that you can look at forums are very powerful full of information people are always asking questions there and if you can answer those questions in your news letter then you know that you have struck gold get content from there your readers will always be interested, or perhaps you might not need to do this maybe you know enough about your particular niche that you do not have to do it this way and that is good, but no matter what sort of niche you are in there is always something new coming along, so write down every thing about your particular market you never know when you will need it for you news letter, because if you find it interesting then you can bet that others will as well. As I mentioned earlier it will take a while to complete your news letter but once it is done you need not visit it again, the is all bought working smart not hard, perhaps you may find that writing a newsletter is not for you then this is fine, there are scores of other ways to get traffic this is just one way.

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Wednesday 15 January 2014

Knowing Search Engines

There are two ways of getting traffic with search engines, known as SEO search engine optimization.
One is paid entry and the other is free, paid entry in google is usually on the right hand side and the advertiser pays per click so every time someone clicks on his advert he has to pay, the amount that he pays depends on the popularity of the key word he uses, the more popular the key word the more the advertiser pays this can run out quite expensive unless you know what you are doing, this is where good key word targeting comes in.

The other way to get ranked on google is the free way, by doing things like article marketing, forums, blogs etc. etc. this is the way to do it if you have a small budget because it costs nothing
but your time and like all things in life this depends on the time you have to put into it.
The way that you get rated when you do not pay is that google crawls each page and not per website
a website could have several pages and google rates them all,so the more you raise your profile on the web, by writing articles doing blogs answering forums and so on then the more likely you are to get rated on google this way is called organic.
It is interesting that the paid adverts on the side are clicked on much less than the organic results and the percentages are amazing the paid adverts only get around 2 to 4 percent while the organic
results get around 30 to 40 percent the rest of the clicks go to the paid adverts at the top of the page.

So what is google looking for, well google is looking after it's customers, and the first thing it looks for is content google loves content and if you have good content then google will love your website,
the next thing it likes are backlinks these are links to your website google is really looking to get everyone to link together that's why it is called a web that's the reason.

So if you have a squeeze page it will never get to page one on google, so how to get a squeeze page rated, well the way is the way I discussed above by writing articles, blogs etc.

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Tuesday 14 January 2014

What is duplicate content.

There is a vast misunderstanding about duplicate content, most on line marketers do not understand what it is and some get it completely wrong and think that if they write a article and publish it then that's a end to it and off they go to write another, but that is not the end of the said article nor should it be.

So what exactly is duplicate content, you can write a article and it can be used more than once in fact it can be used over and over again and google will still crawl it and rank it regardless of how many times you use the article.

You can find this out for yourself if you take a paragraph from a popular marketing write up say a lap top computer or a mobile phone and place it in google search engine with speech marks at each end of the paragraph, when you are taken to the directory page click on any of the top entries and you should find the same paragraph in their write up, so you see that is not what duplicate content is, because if it was then it would not show up anywhere else because google would have not rated it.

So if that is not duplicate content then what is duplicate content you might ask, well duplicate content is when you place the same content on the same website ie on different pages but on the same website, therefor google will totally ignore the second page and only rate the first page, so when duplicate content is mentioned it dose not mean that you can only use the article that you have worked to produce once but it can be used in articles, blogs and on websites but to a degree, some article directory's will not take content that has already been published, this also applies to some blogs so always look at the conditions first.

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Friday 10 January 2014

Improve your conversions by 200%

By Michael Fleischner
Do I have your attention? Anyone trying to make a living online is interested in one thing, improving conversions. As an Internet marketing veteran, I’ve seen plenty of web sites and blogs miss one their biggest opportunities for growth. The answer is actually quite simple, making the most of your list.
Maybe you have your own email list of fifty-thousand names or more. Perhaps you have a small list of just a few dozen prospects who have emailed you questions or comments. Regardless of where you begin, having a list is only part of the equation. The most successful marketers I know utilize their list in a variety of ways to build relationships and sell products that are a win-win for both buyer and seller.
The first way to utilize your list is through an auto responder sequence. If you’re not using an auto responder, I advise you to search for auto responder services online. Popular services like Aweber only charge around twenty dollars per month, allowing you to send unlimited messages. These messages should position you as an expert, provide purchase ideas, and continually provide value.
The second way to use your list effectively is to provide pre-notification of product launches. There are many super affiliates that use their list in this manner, generating tens of thousands of dollars per month. Once you know of an affiliate product being launched within a six to eight week period, map out a pre-launch communication plan that reaches out to individuals prior to launch. This may include access to product information, downloads, videos, etc., to build anticipation around launch day. When launch day comes, create a sense of immediacy and scarcity – purchases will ensue.
The third way to leverage the power of your list is through referrers, building an even larger list that you can communicate with. Are you asking those who sign up for your list to refer your company, products, or services to others? Make your emails easy to forward and encourage referrals. This is a great way to reach individuals who are more likely to value your content and accept your offers.

The final method for leveraging an email list is to communicate on a regular basis. Your auto-responder sequence should integrate a series of messages spread out over time. By continually staying in front of your list and utilizing the content that you have to provide value, these individuals will stay engaged and have a higher propensity to purchase from you.

The time to start building your email list is now. In parallel, be sure to focus your energies on leveraging that list using the proper techniques. Having a great list is fine but unless you utilize it properly, you’ll never see the true value inherent in the list itself.
Michael Fleischner is an SEO consultant and author of SEO Made Simple, revealing strategies guaranteed to improve search engine rankings. Learn more about Michael's hands-on SEO training program, Internet Marketing Forum, and SEO consulting at or contact him via the Marketing Blog at
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