Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Using Newsletters To Get Traffic

From the desk of Ian Read Writing newsletters might seam a lot of work but the results can be dramatic, writing a short report once a week can reap benefits, I know that it will take time to produce a news letter but what it gives is leverage it might take a day or may be two to complete say ten pages it is a very powerful thing to do because not many people do it, and once completed you have it for good Give the news letter a exciting name one that will make prospective sign up's open the letter, news letters can go viral if written well they can be passed between perspective customers either by email or social sites like facebook and twitter, if you put a opt in box on the bottom of the page to get people to opt in then you can see what that will do for sign up's. It might seem daunting if you have not written any thing like this before do not worry, where do I get my my content from? I can here you say how do I know what to write. Well I don't know about you but I find it difficult to retain information, so what do I do, as I am finding out things about my particular niche I tend to write it all down either in a pad or on sticky notes, and before you know it you have got enough information to write a news letter, there are forums that you can look at forums are very powerful full of information people are always asking questions there and if you can answer those questions in your news letter then you know that you have struck gold get content from there your readers will always be interested, or perhaps you might not need to do this maybe you know enough about your particular niche that you do not have to do it this way and that is good, but no matter what sort of niche you are in there is always something new coming along, so write down every thing about your particular market you never know when you will need it for you news letter, because if you find it interesting then you can bet that others will as well. As I mentioned earlier it will take a while to complete your news letter but once it is done you need not visit it again, the is all bought working smart not hard, perhaps you may find that writing a newsletter is not for you then this is fine, there are scores of other ways to get traffic this is just one way.

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